Join us for a fun-filled celebration as we host International Education Week at Butte College main campus November 13 – 16 at the main campus, 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville. The week includes speakers, activities, workshops, food and more. International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences.
Monday, November 13
International Education Week Welcome - 10 a.m. - Center for Excellence at the main campus, 3536 Butte Campus Drive. Butte College Superintendent/President, Dr. Samia Yaqub will kick off International Education Week with a warm welcome in the Center for Excellence.
Exploring the History of Chinese Characters and a Taste of Chinese Culture - 10:15 a.m. - Center for Excellence-You’ll learn about Chinese characters’ Revolution; Chinese calligraphy and paper cutting; Chinese games to learn and play; and more about Chinese culture. The presenters will answer questions and conduct discussions regarding Chinese culture. In addition, the presenters will provide an opportunity for the campus community to learn more about modern China, the most populated country in the world with the fastest developing economy. Facilitated by Butte College Instructors: Dakuan Sun and Jiayu Yang.
Language Introduction - Spanish - 12:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F) at the main campus. Join us for this informative introduction into the Spanish language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Butte College Instructors Maria Shahid, Roberto Mazariegos and Gema Haraughty.
International Student Panel - 1:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Learn from some of our outstanding Butte College international students who will share stories of their journey to Butte College, transition to life in Chico, and the education system in the United States. A short question and answer opportunity will take place at the end of the panel discussion.
México’s Faltering Democratic Transition - 2 p.m.- Center for Excellence - Join us for a discussion about México’s Faltering Democratic Transition facilitated by the Chair of CSU, Chico's History department, Steve Lewis, and Butte College History Instructor, Christine Trolinger.
Language Introduction - German - 2:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Enjoy a half hour introduction into the German language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Instructor Cameron Mortimer.
Tuesday, Nov. 14
Language Introduction - Hmong - 10 a.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Hmong language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by instructor Maisue Thao.
8,000 Miles to Comfort: Navigating the Path to Global Citizenship - 10:30 a.m.- Center for Excellence. Come and learn Angela Zivo Gapa’s personal journey to obtain an international education, and how getting out her comfort zone both geographically and intellectually helped her embark on an international career and become a global citizen.
Raising Peace: Interactive Poster Session - 12:30 p.m - Campus Center Lounge at the main campus. Experience students from a Peace Psychology and Peace & Global Studies class presenting posters that describe obstacles to peace on personal, local and global levels while also addressing solutions to raise awareness.
2017 Senator Paul Simon Award Presidential Panel - 1 p.m - Live webcast discussion featuring leaders from Simon Award-winning institutions discussing their successes in campus internationalization. Follow this link to view the webcast:
International Student Panel - 1 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Learn from some of our outstanding Butte College international students who will share stories of their journey to Butte College, transition to life in Chico, and the education system in the United States. A short question and answer opportunity will take place at the end of the panel discussions.
Language Introduction - Nepali - 2 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Nepali language from Butte College Instructor, Sanjay Dev. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure.
Wednesday, Nov. 15
Asian Student Association Info Table - Campus Center Lounge - 9 a.m. Stop by the ASA table to explore cultures such as Philippines, Japan, Bali, Hmong, and Mien though cultural items and informational displays. International desserts samples will be served as well! Facilitated by the Butte College Asian Student Association Club.
Introduction to Tai Chi - 9:30 a.m. - Center for Excellence (adjacent to library). Tai Chi was developed as an internal Chinese martial art that focuses on improving the internal health of an individual. Tai Chi centers your mind, relaxes your body, and allows your energy to flow like a river. Bring together the best of this meditative form of exercise to help you find an inner peace and a calm within your body. Facilitated by David Gantt of Azad's Martial Arts
Language Introduction - American Sign Language - 10 a.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Enjoy a half hour introduction into American Sign Language (ASL) presented by Skylar Darrow.
The European Refugee Crisis and the EU Response - 11 a.m. – Center for Excellence - Political Science Department Professor from CSU Chico Jennifer Wilking will discuss what she and her students learned while participating in a faculty-led course in the Czech Republic, Summer 2017. Wilking will examine the definitions and perceptions of refugees, the range and effectiveness of EU responses to the crisis, and the reception to those responses of Eastern European countries, including the Czech Republic.
Language Introduction - Italian - 11:30 a.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Italian language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Danielle Dipietro-Hawkins.
E-Learning Seminar: Success Strategies for International Education Leaders - Noon - Live online seminar. Online seminar providing participants with concrete tools and strategies to demonstrate the vital role of international education on campus and in the community. Follow this link to watch the online seminar: Learning_Seminars/Demonstrating_Value__Success_Strategies_for_International_Education_Leaders/
Language Introduction - Japanese - Noon - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Don’t miss this half hour introduction into the Japanese language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Tomoko Lance.
Language Introduction - Punjabi and Hindi - 12:30 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Enjoy a short introduction into Punjabi and Hindi. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Ripandeep Aulakh.
Language Introduction - Spanish - 1:15 p.m.- Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Spanish language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Analia Martinez.
Thursday, Nov. 16
CSU Study Abroad Information Session - 10:30 a.m. - Center for Excellence (adjacent to library). Come find out how you can study in 35 countries around the world while completing coursework in your major, minor, and general education pathway and using your financial aid, school loans, and scholarships to finance your trip. Facilitated by Brittany Correll and Jason Clower.
Language Introduction - Arabic - Noon - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join us for this half hour introduction into the Arabic language. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Mariam Chatila.
Raising Peace: Interactive Poster Session - 12:30 p.m. - Campus Center Lounge. Students from Peace Psychology/ Peace & Global Studies present posters that describe obstacles to peace on personal, local and global levels while also addressing solutions to raise awareness on these issues.
Language Introduction - Mandarin Chinese - 1 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Experience a half hour introduction into Mandarin Chinese. Participants will learn basic phrases and language structure. Facilitated by Melana Cavenecia and Ling Chen
Supporting Haiti - 2 p.m. - Culture & Community Center - (Swing Space F). Join Haitian international student, Michaud Jean Chrislot, for a short video and presentation on ways to support Haiti. Facilitated by Butte College student, Michaud Jean Chrislot.
On the Way to School: Film - 6 p.m. - Chico Center - 2321 Forest Avenue, Chico - AS Chico Center Lounge (Rm 146). Experience the 2014 Cesar Winner for Best Documentary, “On the Way to School,” which interweaves the stories of four children from around the world who desire to learn and better their lives through education. The children live thousands of miles apart in Africa, South America, and India but share the same thirst for knowledge. They understand that attending school, every single day, is their only hope for a brighter future, for themselves and their families. A small discussion will follow. Refreshments will be provided. Facilitated by Rachel Wood and Mariam Chatila.
This event is organized by the Global Education and Outreach Taskforce at Butte College. View and download the full schedule at